Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Echo Mountain Film Festival

21/10/2024 - 25/10/2024

The festival tries to be a channel through which many different inspirational and educational stories about the mountains, athletes and mountain communities from all around the world - will "echo" in our own community, widening the understanding and knowledge on so many different topics and inspire creativity.
We strive to unite and inspire the fast growing, outdoors and mountain loving community in our country, by offering a wide selection of films on many different subjects that celebrate the coexistence of people and the mountains, we also organize lectures by guest speakers, filmmakers and athletes, publish books, organize competitions for best mountain photography and short video...

"Echo" is the mountain film festival organized in the capital of Macedonia - in the city of Skopje.

Other relavant activities:

Competition for the best mountain photography, and for the best amateur short film.
Traveling cinema - We also organize a "traveling cinema", where we screen the films that won in the different categories for that year - in other cities in Macedonia. There we also give the locals an opportunity for a platform - where they can speak up in front of their own fellow citizens, and promote their work regarding their activities (different mountain sport activities, lifestyle, ecology, social responsibility...) - with mountains and nature being their main inspiration.

Festival director: Igor Talevski and Aleksandar Zarapchiev

Head programming: Aleksandar Zarapchiev